Corporate transaction support
We help with starting a company, establishing corporate management systems, conducting comprehensive legal audit, and structuring merger and acquisition transactions.
Drafting and assessing contracts and agreements
We help create user agreements for apps and websites, public offers, license agreements, and software development contracts.
Continuous interaction with banking institutions and fiscal authorities
We assist with opening both broker accounts and accounts in foreign banks. We provide counseling on legislation that regulates countering money laundering and give advice on securing necessary financial licenses and certifications.
Intellectual property protection
We provide support with cross-border trademark registration and protection and handle the process of creating and distributing computer software and apps.
Structuring blockchain projects
We provide counseling on legal and financial matters both at launch and at the following stages of development. We are confident with navigating various legal uncertainties and ambiguities that’s been existing since the birth of the industry.
We review matters of reporting related to CFCs, give recommendations on avoiding double taxation and preparing reports on income tax and VAT.